preservation news Archives - Restore Oregon Saving Historic Places Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:20:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 preservation news Archives - Restore Oregon 32 32 112 Year-Old Church in Northeast Portland Now Houses SteepleJack Brewing Co. Thu, 12 Aug 2021 22:44:30 +0000

Beer lovers and preservationists rejoice! SteepleJack Brewing Co. owners Brody Day and Dustin Harder have lovingly restored the former First Universalist Church of Good Tidings at NE 24th and Broadway in Portland.  Thanks to sensitive adaptive reuse, this century-old building retains many historic features including colorful stained glass windows, a historic bell tower, carefully restored […]

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Beer lovers and preservationists rejoice! SteepleJack Brewing Co. owners Brody Day and Dustin Harder have lovingly restored the former First Universalist Church of Good Tidings at NE 24th and Broadway in Portland. 

Thanks to sensitive adaptive reuse, this century-old building retains many historic features including colorful stained glass windows, a historic bell tower, carefully restored original wooden floors, and attractive furniture crafted from wood salvaged from the building. 

Saved from demolition (and from being replaced by a five-story condo building), the former church was the site of a 1909 time capsule dedicated by President William Howard Taft. A new time capsule was reset in the same cornerstone last month. 

In July, Restore Oregon staff attended the SteepleJack grand opening to experience the building for ourselves. We’re happy to report that Brody and Dustin have taken great care of the structure’s historic material, which has yielded a shining example of successful adaptive reuse and historic preservation! 

More at



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In a Precedent-Setting Decision, Demolition of the Historic Yamaguchi Hotel is Approved with a Token Nod to Cultural Heritage Thu, 12 Aug 2021 22:33:29 +0000

The Portland City Council voted unanimously to approve the demolition of the historic Yamaguchi Hotel, also known as the former Blanchet House, picture above. On July 28th, the Portland City Council voted unanimously to approve the demolition of the historic Yamaguchi Hotel (former Blanchet House), a rare and very significant building to the Japanese American/AAPI […]

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The Portland City Council voted unanimously to approve the demolition of the historic Yamaguchi Hotel, also known as the former Blanchet House, picture above.

On July 28th, the Portland City Council voted unanimously to approve the demolition of the historic Yamaguchi Hotel (former Blanchet House), a rare and very significant building to the Japanese American/AAPI community and a contributing building in the New Chinatown-Japantown Historic District.  Restore Oregon opposed the demolition request because other options had not been fully explored and because it sets a very bad precedent in this small and fragile district.  

We initiated a coalition of preservation and legal experts to join in support of the Japanese American Museum of Oregon and 14 other Japanese American organizations to propose an alternate win-win solution , but the Council’s vote demonstrated an unwillingness to invest any resources to pursue it.

Chisao Hata, Board member of the Japanese American Museum of Oregon, said “this feels like yet another slap in the face to our community that has endured successive waves of prejudice, loss, and erasure over many decades.”

The importance of this building lies not in its architecture, but in its rarity and deep connection to the Japanese American community.

Only three historic resources are associated with AAPI cultural heritage in all of Oregon: the Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site, the Salem Pioneer Cemetery, and Portland’s New Chinatown-Japantown Historic District where the Yamaguchi Hotel is located. The hotel was operated by Shigezo and Masaye Yamaguchi and is one of only a handful of buildings still standing in the district that was operated by Japanese Americans at a time when people of Asian heritage were ostracized and afforded limited rights, and then lost virtually everything when interned during WWII.

Also, according to the National Register of Historic Places district nomination, Masaye Yamaguchi served as the midwife for the Asian community, and is said to have delivered babies as far away as Hood River. This untold and under-appreciated chapter of Oregon women's history has deep cultural significance.

The City Council did vote to create a "stakeholder" committee to recommend ways to document and incorporate the Japanese American history of the site into the future development.  But no provisions were made to ensure those recommendations would be carried out.

With their ruling, the City also set aside its own policy that a historic building cannot be demolished without first approving the replacement structure.  The intent of this policy is to provide a means to assess that the public benefit of the proposed new development is greater than the public benefit of preserving and reusing the historic structure.  In this case, the owners claimed economic hardship and liability due to the deteriorated condition of the building - which occurred under their ownership - and asked the City to grant demolition with no proposal for what would replace it other than a vacant lot.

The owner, the Blanchet House, stated their hope is to create a low-income nursing facility.  The community benefit might well outweigh the historic value of the building, and provide some comfort to the Japanese American community that the loss of their cultural heritage had achieved some other good.  However, no plans for such a facility have been presented and no provision made in the conditions set for demolition to ensure that such a community benefit would be created on the site in exchange for this great loss. 

Further, no consideration or mitigation was made for the loss of this contributing building on the historic district as a whole.  Portland’s New Chinatown-Japantown Historic district is only 2 blocks wide and 5 blocks long.  Nearly half of its historic buildings are already lost, so losing another one has a major impact that should be mitigated to some degree by investing in the rehabilitation of other historic buildings or other district improvements.

The City of Portland bears significant responsibility for this sad state of affairs. The current “new” Blanchet House was built on land occupied by the historic Kiernan Building (also known as the Dirty Duck Tavern) in a deal orchestrated by the Portland Development Commission (now Prosper Portland). The Kiernan Building was demolished to make way for the new Blanchet facility and the important social services it would provide.  It did not have cultural ties to the AAPI community and demolition was not allowed until the new Blanchet House design was approved. The city agency arranged a “land swap” of the new site for the old, giving Blanchet House the new site with a provision that the PDC could exercise an option to take ownership of the old Blanchet House/Yamaguchi Hotel when the new Blanchet House was completed.  The understanding was that the PDC would assume responsibility for stewarding the Yamaguchi Hotel building along with redevelopment of the rest of the block.  But when the PDC/Prosper Portland walked away from this commitment, the Blanchet House was left to deal with the now-empty historic building. 

Restore Oregon remains gravely concerned that Portland City Council has now set a precedent that other property owners in the historic district who have been engaged in demolition-by-neglect may try to seize upon: let your building deteriorate, then claim economic hardship and seek demolition approval. Recent zoning changes that allow increased heights in the district provide further incentive. We are concerned about the entire district and its vulnerability to be de-listed from the National Register of Historic Places. 

The willingness of Portland’s City Council to permit the demolition the Yamaguchi Hotel exposes an alarming shift on City Council away from the Comprehensive Plan's goal of stewarding historic resources, a disconnect on “walking the talk” of respecting the cultural heritage of minority 

communities, and a willingness to set aside its own policies on demolition of historic buildings.  We will continue to support the Japanese American and AAPI community and are exploring potential next steps, including further appeal.

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Historic Oregon Cemeteries by Abby Warren Thu, 12 Aug 2021 20:55:44 +0000

If you like historic cemeteries and discovering the diverse history of our state, keep an eye on the Oregon Commission of Historic Cemeteries which is working to discover and share the stories of interesting Oregonians who have passed on. The Commission’s Cemetery Stories project aims to illustrate all the ways that cemeteries hold value and […]

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If you like historic cemeteries and discovering the diverse history of our state, keep an eye on the Oregon Commission of Historic Cemeteries which is working to discover and share the stories of interesting Oregonians who have passed on. The Commission’s Cemetery Stories project aims to illustrate all the ways that cemeteries hold value and relevance to us today by sharing fascinating stories of people interred in Oregon’s historic cemeteries. 

Cemetery Stories can be accessed via the Oregon Heritage blog, which is updated regularly. A future story still in the works will focus on a historical figure from Oregon’s LGBTQ+ past that you may have never heard of before!

The Oregon Commission of Historic Cemeteries is also actively working to discover more Black burial places in Oregon. One effort that will assist them in that goal is the African American Multiple Property Documentation project, which will develop an overall story of an area related to Black history, in turn making it easier to nominate properties to the National Register. The first property nominated will be Mt. Union Cemetery, which was established in part by Reuben and Mary Jane Holmes Shipley, both formerly enslaved people, who donated part of their farm in 1861 to create the cemetery on the condition that Black people could be buried there. 

One recent Commission meeting featured a presentation by Becky Soules, who has been working on maintaining and updating the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery for 15 years. Her most recent project there involved developing interpretive signage that illustrates the incredible amount of history and data contained in the cemetery. Sadly, the importance of historic cemeteries and the information they hold is often lost on the public. Because of this, efforts to maintain these  cemeteries tend to be few, far between, and short-lived. By creating engaging infographics like the ones now on display at Marshfield Cemetery, visitors are reminded of how these historic resources relate to our society and culture in the present day, and why it is important to keep our historic cemeteries well-maintained and accessible.

If you are interested in learning about interpretive signage for historic resources, or the development of really incredible cemetery infographics, you can view a recording of Becky’s presentation on YouTube here

And if you would like to visit or learn more about the historic cemeteries in your community, this detailed map provides locations for all of the historic cemeteries registered with the Oregon Commission of Historic Cemeteries statewide.

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People in Preservation: B.A. Beierle Thu, 24 Sep 2020 21:29:52 +0000

B. A. Beierle ADVOCATE. EDUCATOR. PRESERVATIONIST.   Preservation is about people. Our stories and connections to each other, our shared past and sense of place are embodied in the places where we live, work, and play. As it turns out, when we’re mindful of the irreplaceable value these places bring to our everyday lives, we […]

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B. A. Beierle




Preservation is about people.
Our stories and connections to each other, our shared past and sense of place are embodied in the places where we live, work, and play. As it turns out, when we’re mindful of the irreplaceable value these places bring to our everyday lives, we learn we have a lot in common. Each year, we travel the state and meet people who are making a positive difference in the livability and sustainability of their communities through historic preservation. We think it’s time to recognize them. This series, People in Preservation, highlights the stories, views, and projects of Oregonians who are working to save and pass forward the places that matter to all of us. For this installment, we sat down with B.A. Beierle. Here’s her preservation story…
B.A. Beierle founded the local preservation education group Preservation WORKS in Corvallis, where she also serves on the City/County Heritage Tree Committee. Beierle, an educator by training, moved to Corvallis with her husband, Lenny, in 2002 after stops in New Jersey and Wyoming. She currently represents the Mid-Willamette Valley as an adviser to Restore Oregon, and helped coordinate Restore Oregon’s first Heritage Barn Workshop. As a private heritage consultant, B.A. works with individuals, groups, and communities preparing heritage plans, neighborhood advocacy, heritage tourism, and education programs. She and her husband are currently rebuilding an 1894 farmhouse that they rescued from a fire training exercise. 
In Wyoming, her former home state, Beierle:

  • Served as the president of the statewide preservation organization
  • Saved two 1880s Victorian houses from demolition and adapted them for new uses – one a 135-seat restaurant and the other as Section 8 housing
  • Managed downtown Main Street redevelopment
  • Advocated for the arts industry as a governor’s appointee and for heritage resources as Adviser to the National Trust for Historic Preservation

As a Field Representative for the National Trust’s Mountains/Plains Regional Office, B.A. worked hands-on with preservationists – and would-be preservationists – in over 108 communities in Colorado, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.
R.O. Why should Oregonians be advocates for historic preservation?
B.B.: Oregon has compelling stories to tell. Our geology sculpted our land as the stage for complex themes: early migration of humanity to our continent; First Nations and their hunter/gatherer traditions and later their semi-permanent homes, early agriculture, and land management; early Europeans from Russia, England and France. Our roots reach deep into our democracy. Lewis and Clark’s Expedition of Discovery selected Fort Clatsop by an astonishing vote of white men, a Black enslaved person, and a Shoshone woman long before our Constitution enfranchised Black men, women, and Native People.
Our rich and diverse cultural heritage is rife with anguish. Oregon’s dreadful treatment of Native People, African Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Latinos, and others continues to teach critical lessons about inclusion, equality, and justice. As Lincoln told us: “The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched…by the better angels of our nature.” Preservation of sites tied to our regretful past will only teach us all to embrace our better angels.
From the early 1830s through 1869 about 400,000 settlers, farmers, miners, ranchers, entrepreneurs and their families traveled the Oregon Trail. Their destination was the Eden at the end of the trail, the Willamette Valley. Once there were over 4,600 Euro-American homes and farmsteads throughout the Willamette Valley built with hand-technology by intrepid pioneers. Today less than 220 of those hand-made structures remain. Many are deteriorated or abandoned, and every year more are lost due to developmental pressures, economic challenges, functional obsolescence, weather, age, neglect and a lack of understanding of their cultural importance. These buildings represent the culmination of the Oregon Trail experience. In spite of the importance to Oregon – and American– history, little attention is given to the conservation and protection of these fragile historic properties.
R.O. Why does preserving the historic fabric of a community matter?
B.B. Preservation helps us define who we are in space and on the ribbon of time. For some of us, it is a visceral sensation. It conveys a deep sense of homecoming, comfort and belonging. These historic environments, moments and experiences define us. We belong to a place, a time, and our people. I believe these threads weave their way into the tapestry of our individual and collective identities.
R.O. What is the future of the historic preservation movement, in general and/or specifically in Oregon?
B.B. Like politics, all preservation is local. Strengthening local efforts and advocacy is key. That said, Restore Oregon must continue to work for statewide incentives and funding.
Unfortunately, historic preservation faces several challenges:

  • Funding. COVID-19 will challenge funding in the foreseeable future on the local, state, and national levels. The unanticipated pandemic costs will devastate government budgets with direct and indirect results on preservation programs. Significant pres- sure will fall on philanthropy to fund critical health and well-being needs. Commercial underwriters – like program sponsors – face their own existential threats. Valued partners – particularly travel and arts institutions – already feel keen budget shortfalls. And we will all be competing with one another for scarce dollars


  • Leadership. Our leaders are aging; fewer, younger leaders are ready to assume the mantle of leadership. We must actively look to our allies and partners for potential recruits who haven’t identified themselves as preservationists – yet.


  • Perception. Like the arts, too often preservation is unfortunately perceived as fluff and dispensable. It falls on all of us to more effectively communicate preservation’s pivotal role in sustainability, economics, community development, community building and identity, livability, sense of place, education and creativity.

Consider the mayor who described her community as “charming,” but completely failed to understand that the pedestrian-scale neighborhoods she valued as “charming” were its historic districts.

  • Language. We have a language problem. The term “Historic Preservation” has been weaponized as intrusive on personal freedoms. Suggested alternatives include “heritage conservation,” that may more accurately describe our activities. Are they historic resources or historic assets? Rehabilitation suggests recovery after misfortune. We need to reinvent our vocabulary to demonstrate that responsible stewardship and personal freedoms are not mutually exclusive.

R.O. How do you think historic preservation can be part of solving major issues we’re dealing with today like climate change, affordability, and sustainability?
B.B.: Preservation is the keystone to all the above issues. Responsible stewards of the built environment are also responsible stewards of the natural environment. Reduce, reuse, recycle applies not only to bags, bottles, and containers, but also buildings, neighborhoods, and entire communities. When we lose a historic resource in whole or in part, we waste not only the memory and culture housed in the resource, but also the materials used in the structure, the earth the landfill sits upon, and the structure’s embodied energy. Indeed, the greenest building is one that is already built.
Modest historic homes provide affordable housing; larger ones provide affordable congregate living. The Oregon challenge is that the land itself is the expensive component of affordable living. We have an opportunity to balance needed, sustainable, densification while respecting those historic resources we value as a community. The first step is to inventory what we have, decide what’s important, and protect those valued resources. We then steward our land thoughtfully and responsibly. COVID-19 has taught us that staying home and driving less is measurably good for global environmental health. Walkable neighborhoods with commercial amenities accomplish the same thing. Often these places are our existing historic neighborhoods. The return of the historic street car – mass transit in all its forms – accomplishes the same thing.
R.O. Restore Oregon is working to bring preservation and its tools to more places and people of Oregon so that it can be used to preserve the cultural heritage of all Oregonians, not just the buildings. Do you have any thoughts on that?
B.B.: Cultural heritage is manifested through tangible forms: buildings, landscapes, or artifacts, and intangible forms: traditional skills and technologies, religious ceremonies, performing arts, storytelling, and others. Our tangible and intangible heritage are inseparable, so we must preserve them together.

  • First Nations. Climate/weather, agricultural practices, and land development impact the built cultural patrimony of the First Nations who lived in Oregon. It is our sacred responsibility to protect and celebrate the heritage of those who first called Oregon home.


  • Place specific. The cultural landscape is where historic structures sit; context is everything for storytelling. Lighthouses need to stand on oceanside promontories, or their significance is lost. Bridges need to span waterways or their function is meaningless. The Oregon Trail corridor can only be valued where it is, much like the Columbia River Highway. But more modest resources like mill races and Witness Trees tell our story as well.


  • Viewsheds. Oregon showcases spectacular vistas. These cultural landscapes combine human and natural systems. Climate change will impact these iconic viewsheds sooner rather than later. They also merit our attention and protection.

R.O. Any other thoughts? Words to live by?
B.B.: These quotes continue to inspire me:
“These old buildings do not belong to us only, they belong to our forefathers and they will belong to our descendants unless we play them false. They are not in any sense our own property to do as we like with them. We are only trustees for those that come after us.” -William Morris
“Here is your country. Do not let anyone take it or its glory away from you. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches, or its romance. The world, the future, and your children shall judge you accordingly as you deal with this sacred trust.” -President Theodore Roosevelt, Antiquities Act of 1906
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decision on the next seven generations.” -Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy
“A country with no regard for its past will have little worth remembering in the future. -Abraham Lincoln

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People in Preservation: Denyse McGriff Mon, 27 Jul 2020 22:39:39 +0000

Denyse McGriff OREGON CITY COMMISSIONER NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION, ADVISOR PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, RETIRED   Preservation is about people. At Restore Oregon, we believe not only in saving and rehabilitating the historic places that define our heritage as Oregonians, we believe in YOU. Each year, we travel the state and meet people who are […]

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Denyse McGriff




Preservation is about people.
At Restore Oregon, we believe not only in saving and rehabilitating the historic places that define our heritage as Oregonians, we believe in YOU. Each year, we travel the state and meet people who are making a positive difference in the livability and sustainability of their communities through historic preservation. We think it’s time to recognize them. This series, People in Preservation, will highlight the stories, views, and projects of Oregonians who are working to save and pass forward the places that matter to all of us.
Meet Denyse McGriff
Denyse McGriff grew up in a military family and gained an appreciation for the small older communities adjacent to the bases. She arrived in Oregon in 1975 to attend graduate school at the University of Oregon and went on to graduate with degrees in Political Science (MS) and Urban and Regional Planning (MURP).
She’s had a life-long interest in preservation and has worked for a number of local governments, including the Lane Council of Governments, Columbia County, City of Tillamook City, Deschutes County, City of Oregon City and rounded out her career at the Portland Development Commission. Her public service career was multifaceted with an emphasis on historic preservation/conservation, adaptive reuse and land use planning. Denyse is active in several preservation organizations and efforts in the Portland metro area including the Bosco-Milligan Foundation, the McLoughlin Memorial Association, Restore Oregon, Canby Historical Society, and the Willamette Falls Heritage Foundation.
Denyse was appointed to join the Board of Advisors with the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2009, representing the State of Oregon (along with Restore Oregon’s Ex Officio Rick Michaelson and advisor George Kramer). Her work with the Trust includes two National Treasures: the Willamette Falls Locks and Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
In 2013, she was awarded the Ruth McBride Powers Memorial Award for Service. The award notes the following: “Denyse’s passion for preservation and love for her community is very evident. No matter what hat Denyse has worn over the years, she continuously pushes everybody she meets to try a little harder and aim a little higher”- Vicki Yates, Oregon City Historic Review Board member. In addition, in 2018, she was a member of the Rose Farm Management Committee who received the Ruth McBride Powers Memorial Award for their service.
Her civic activities include eight years of service on the Oregon City Planning Commission, as well as a member of her neighborhood association. Earlier this year, Denyse became the first person of color to serve as an Oregon City City Commissioner.
For the last twenty years she and her family have been restoring their circa 1912 home in Oregon City…walking the talk! Let’s find out what she has to say about historic preservation in Oregon. The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.
R.O. Why should Oregonians be advocates for historic preservation?
D.M. Our historic built and unbuilt environment gives us a sense of our past and our identity. Whether it is a building, a site, or a landscape, we should all be advocates for preservation. It is a part of and reinforces community pride and produces tangible economic benefits, as well. Our places, buildings, and sites not only connect us to our past but also provide a catalyst to our future.
We must be and continue to be advocates for our historic places because if we allow them to be neglected, or demolished, we lose the unique character of those places and we lose the sense of ourselves and our past.
R.O. Why does preserving the historic fabric of a community matter?
D.M. Older buildings, places, and sites should be preserved, not just because they are old, but because they are a part of who we are and where we come from. Our future is linked firmly to our past. For example, I may be the owner of my 1912 bungalow, but really I am just a caretaker–maintaining it and telling its stories. I am preserving it for the next caretaker.
R.O. What is the future of the historic preservation movement, in general and/or specifically in Oregon?
D.M. What preservation means to Oregonians has evolved from one of mainly saving buildings that have architectural significance to a broader view of telling the stories of the people who inhabited those places. This “new” approach has reached out to many more people who never thought they were preservationists. Those stores were always there, just waiting to be told.
R.O. How do you think historic preservation can be part of solving major issues we’re dealing with today like climate change, affordability, and sustainability?
D.M. Historic preservation is definitely a part of the solution to our sustainability issues. Our society also has to change its lifestyle. Our current way of life is not sustainable because it is predicated on endless growth. This growth has led to a disposable society where everything that is consumed is generally thrown away, including our built environment. This cannot be sustained. Older buildings can be upgraded to be more efficient (funding is needed) using less resources. Older neighborhoods are generally more dense than suburban areas. New construction uses a great deal of embodied energy – preserving an older building saves all of that embodied energy. The greenest building is the one that is already there.
R.O. Restore Oregon is working to bring preservation and its tools to more places and people of Oregon so that it can be used to preserve the cultural heritage of all Oregonians–not just the buildings. Do you have any thoughts on that?
D.M. There are many more stories to be told about the places that matter to us. These stories deserve to be and need to be told. I look forward to discovering and sharing these stories with my fellow Oregonians.

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Rural Historic Theaters Receive Unprecedented $615,000 in Grant Funds for Preservation Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:00:50 +0000

As part of our Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program, Restore Oregon combined forces with the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to bring an unprecedented grant opportunity to rural historic theaters in Oregon! Last year, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD), which includes the Oregon Main Street Network and the State Historic Preservation Office, received […]

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As part of our Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program, Restore Oregon combined forces with the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to bring an unprecedented grant opportunity to rural historic theaters in Oregon!
Last year, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD), which includes the Oregon Main Street Network and the State Historic Preservation Office, received $665,000 as one of only nine grants awarded by the National Park Service for their Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program. This matching grant program was open to rural historic theaters to receive funding  between $15,000 and $100,000. Restore Oregon provided technical assistance with eligibility determinations for the National Register of Historic Places (listing is a requirement of the grant) and the application process.
“For over five years Restore Oregon has been supporting the revival of Oregon’s historic theaters. They are central to the revitalization of Main Street economies and important community cultural centers that connect us with our roots. These grants will be transformational and the impact will benefit generations,” says Peggy Moretti, Executive Director of Restore Oregon.  “We are delighted to be a partner with the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office to help facilitate much needed investment in historic theaters across Oregon. Especially rewarding is the long-term impact that our Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program can have on places like the Egyptian Theater, listed in 2011. It is a shining example of how a place can go from endangered to saved through the efforts of dedicated preservationists, creative thinking, and support from Restore Oregon.”
Eight theater projects were selected in this competitive grant process and have been awarded $615,000 in federal grant funding for their preservation projects. The following organizations will be receiving awards:

  • Dallas Downtown Association, for roof, masonry, and other repairs on the Dallas Cinema in Dallas.
  • Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association, for roof repair on the theatre in Coos Bay. 
  • Lakeview Community Partnership, for electrical and lighting repair, fire door replacement, and curtain and rigging work at the Alger Theatre in Lakeview. 
  • Little Theater on the Bay, to replace the roof and missing Moorish roof domes on the Liberty Theater in North Bend. 
  • Newberg Downtown Coalition, to update seats and acoustical drapes in the auditorium and repair exterior lighting on the Cameo Theatre in Newberg. 
  • OK Theatre, to restore façade and store fronts, update the concessions area, and add a bar service area to the theater in Enterprise. 
  • Rex Theater, to restore the marquee neon and reader board, paint the exterior, repair the roof and ceiling, and install HVAC in the Theater in Vale.
  • The Dalles Main Street Program, to install new fire doors, HVAC, and awnings on the Granada Theatre in The Dalles. 

Funding also covers the cost for the preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations for four of the theaters not currently listed. These include the Dallas Cinema, Liberty Theatre, Rex Theatre, and Alger Theatre.
“These projects will significantly impact the local communities,” said Chrissy Curran, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer. “We are pleased to have been awarded this funding so that we can support local theaters and foster our vibrant rural communities in Oregon.”
As the economic impacts of COVID-19 in Oregon are being felt across the state we’re only just beginning to understand how far and wide the effects will reach. While we unite to help each other through these troubling times it’s important to remember the positive things that are happening around us. Restore Oregon is honored to be part of bringing rural communities an infusion of funds that not only promote the benefits of historic preservation but help bring communities together during troubled times. 
Restore Oregon is also receiving grant funds to continue working with SHPO and grant recipients to provide technical preservation support. We will keep our members updated on the progress of these noteworthy projects! 
Egyptian Theatre Spotlight – One of the very first Most Endangered Places, Class of 2011
The Egyptian Theatre is the cornerstone of the downtown district in Coos Bay. This unique movie theatre has spanned the eras of silent films, talkies, Technicolor and the modern “blockbuster.” Originally built in 1922 as a garage, the building was remodeled in 1925 into a theatre. Architect Carl F. Berg designed the interior and exterior with Revival Egyptian architecture. The theatre is one of only four known Egyptian Revival movie theatres in the United States and one of the best examples of Egyptian Revival on the West Coast. The theatre includes its original Egyptian style décor, light fixtures, furnishings, hand-painted vaudeville flats and a Wurlitzer pipe organ. 
In April 2006, the Egyptian Theatre was purchased by the City of Coos Bay when the owners put it up for sale. The City signed a management agreement with the non-profit Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association (EPTA) to manage and operate the theatre. After the March 2011 earthquake/tsunami, City officials determined that the Egyptian Theatre was not safe for occupancy. The Egyptian was closed March 14, 2011 and not scheduled to reopen until after the appropriate repairs were completed. 
The theatre was nominated to Restore Oregon’s first annual list of Oregon’s Most Endangered Places in 2011. After three years of intense community advocacy, Coos Bay’s beloved Egyptian Theatre shined bright once again. 
At the time of its listing as an Endangered Place, the theatre had only a handful of supporters and very few dollars to back-up the vision of a revitalized downtown gathering space. Starting with a feasibility study for the theatre, funded in part by a Restore Oregon Most Endangered Place seed grant, over a million dollars was raised to resolve structural issues, replace failing systems, and provide for critical restoration inside and out in just three years. On June 20, 2014  the ribbons were cut and the Egyptian opened once again.
By the end of 2015 the Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association had raised the remaining funds needed to complete the last step of the façade restoration plan. By May 2016 installation of the new canopy, the mounting of the new “ETPA logo” marquee, the refurbishment of the Egyptian head pylon sign, decorative painting at the entrance and above the canopy, and the installation of new display cases with LCD TVs was completed.
In 2016, the Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association received a DeMuro Award for Excellence in Preservation, Reuse, and Community Revitalization from Restore Oregon for saving the movie palace and bringing it back to its historic splendor. The ETPA has set the standard for savvy preservation and business planning, with extraordinary community engagement.
By 2019, after a long and astounding list of restoration accomplishments, the priority for the ETPA became installing a new roof. At a project cost around $160,000, the organization will now be able to commence the roof replacement with funds from the Historic Revitalization Subgrant, $10,000 from the Henry Lea Hillman, Jr. Foundation, $20,000 from the Coquille Indian Tribe granting foundation, project support from Waste Connections, Inc and the City of Coos Bay as well as donations of over $12,500 from individuals specifically for the roof project. 
The resounding success of the Egyptian carries with it many lessons applicable to community landmarks across Oregon:
Commission a feasibility study. The first strategic step for Egyptian advocates was to prepare a market feasibility study to demonstrate that a revitalized theatre was viable in Coos Bay. Funded by a seed grant from Restore Oregon, it provided credibility for all future fundraising.
Build a “friends of” coalition. Advocates organized under the umbrella of the Egyptian Theatre Preservation Association, a nonprofit through which organization and fundraising could take place. They developed a strategic plan, enlisted skilled board members, and sought training. City staff and volunteers were included every step of the way and the Association made their presence known at fairs, markets, and community events.
Ask for outside help. An initial estimate to reopen the Egyptian came in at $3.7 million, a figure far in excess of what community leaders knew was feasible. Restore Oregon referred advocates to consultants and other regional experts to identify ways to bring the price tag down to a level that was manageable.
Money attracts money. Raising large sums of money in a small community can be daunting, especially if the cost seems insurmountable. Lining up city and grant support early in the fundraising process built confidence among local donors and created a snowball that attracted others and momentum grew.
Taking a phased approach avoids biting off more than you can chew. While the Egyptian re-opened in 2014, there was still work to be done. Phasing the rehabilitation allowed the theatre to start generating income and helped grow support within the community.
Theater vs. Theatre – What’s the Difference?
Actually, nothing! In most contexts, there is no difference in meaning between theater and theatre. Neither has any special definitions in general usage. The main thing to know is that theater is the preferred spelling in American English, and theatre is preferred virtually everywhere else. We use both in context with the theater/re’s official name.

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A New Marquee, Drive-In Open for Business, and a Chance Meeting Reveals Historic Plans Wed, 24 Jun 2020 17:36:27 +0000

The economic impacts of COVID-19 in Oregon are being felt across the state and we’re only just beginning to understand how far and wide the effects will reach. While we unite to help each other through these troubling times it’s important to remember the positive things that are happening around us. Though theaters were forced […]

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The economic impacts of COVID-19 in Oregon are being felt across the state and we’re only just beginning to understand how far and wide the effects will reach. While we unite to help each other through these troubling times it’s important to remember the positive things that are happening around us. Though theaters were forced to close during the shutdown, creativity and community support have kept the lights on at many historic theaters statewide. From Gresham to Roseburg to Baker City, sales of movie-night kits including buttered popcorn, pizza, and candy, digital rentals, t-shirts, and even beer and wine to-go are supporting an Oregon industry that has always relied on social togetherness.
In recent weeks we’ve also seen other good news for historic theaters hit the headlines. On June 4, the Columbia Theatre in St. Helens lit their newly restored marquee. Last year, Columbia Theatre owners received a grant applied for via the St. Helens Economic Development Corporation (SHEDCO). The $200,000 grant for renovations was one of 30 matching grants statewide awarded to Oregon Main Street Network organizations for building projects that encourage economic revitalization.
On Memorial Day weekend, the 99W Drive-In Theatre in Newberg reopened for weekend movie showings. Their new reservation system complies with state guidelines and makes opening the theater possible in light of social distancing requirements. Owner Brian Francis is also waiting on good news for the Cameo Theatre who has applied, via the Newberg Downtown Coalition, for the National Park Service’s Historic Revitalization Subgrant to replace seating and make other historically appropriate updates.
And a chance conversation between a former Lake County Circuit Court Judge and a woman in Arizona wearing an Oregon Beavers shirt, the Alger Theater will be receiving original plans and drawings from descendants of the building’s architect, James W. DeYoung. The information will help the Lakeview Community Partnership gain access to DeYoung’s archives and bring them one step closer to knowing what the original theater looked like as the organization, which now owns the Alger Theater, underatakes renovations.
Keep your local historic theaters in mind as Oregon starts to reopen and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Contact us today to find out more about supporting these irreplaceable cultural resources.

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The 2019 Legislative Session: A Very Mixed Bag for Preservation Wed, 10 Jul 2019 17:05:48 +0000

Restore Oregon attacked this legislative session with high hopes and a concerted lobbying effort to fix Oregon’s broken preservation policies.  After a uniquely contentious session, the results were decidedly mixed. The good news: Special Assessment was renewed through 2022. Special Assessment freezes assessed property value for ten years in exchange for the rehabilitation of National […]

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Restore Oregon attacked this legislative session with high hopes and a concerted lobbying effort to fix Oregon’s broken preservation policies.  After a uniquely contentious session, the results were decidedly mixed.
The good news:

  • Special Assessment was renewed through 2022. Special Assessment freezes assessed property value for ten years in exchange for the rehabilitation of National Register-listed buildings.
  • $5 million was allocated for Main Street revitalization grants – Funds matching grants up to $200,000 to acquire, rehabilitate, or construct buildings in designated Main Streets.
  • Special appropriations were made to preserve several historic buildings, including:
    • The Liberty Theatre – $1M for stage, house and facilities improvements of this Astoria landmark.
    • The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center– $500,000 for preservation and renovation of their headquarters in Portland’s Chinatown-Japantown historic district.
    • 2019-2021 Budgets for the Cultural Trust and the Oregon Arts Commission were funded at the Governor’s recommended levels.

We’ll need to continue the fight for these bills:

SB 927-3: The Public Participation in Preservation Act. This bill would have fixed Oregon’s broken system for how historic properties are designated and protected, creating a balanced process of community engagement and local control.
SB 929 – The Preservation, Housing, and Seismic Safety Act.  Would have created a state tax credit-funded “Rehab Rebate” to offset costs of restoration and seismic retrofitting, and prioritized projects that provide housing.
HB 2208 – Would have created an Unreinforced Masonry Seismic Safety Fund to cover 35% of retrofitting costs up to a maximum amount of $1.5M per building.
 In addition to the walk-outs that disrupted and shorted the time frame for hearings and deliberation on our policy bill, the ongoing budget crunch made passage of a new tax credit or seismic fund a bridge too far.
HOWEVER, we generated significant interest in our proposals and Restore Oregon plans to bring them back in the 2020 “short session.”
Of Note for Livability and Affordability:
One of the most intensely debated bills of the session was HB 2001 which narrowly passed in the final minutes of the session.  It mandates that cities with populations over 10,000 allow multi-family, “middle housing” on all single family zoned lots. While the bill does not prohibit protection of historic resources through design review and other means, Restore Oregon and many others are concerned that this up-zoning will create an incentive to demolish existing less-expensive homes and replace them with more expensive units. It did not include requirements for affordability. Will this lead to displacement and loss of community cultural heritage?  In the quest for affordable housing, remember the most affordable home is already standing!Giving the public a voice in the designation and protection of their community’s heritage, and launching a historic tax credit to offset seismic upgrades and restoration are a top priority for Restore Oregon. Your donations allow us to keep fighting to save the places that matter to us all.

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Saving Oregon’s Most Endangered Places: Waldron Brothers Drugstore Wed, 08 May 2019 22:54:32 +0000

Waldon Bros. Drugtore: Restore Oregon Seed Grant to be Used for Reuse Plan Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore–an Oregon non-profit corporation working to save and restore the building– is working with Restore Oregon and other partners to plan for an economically viable future for this local historic landmark. Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore […]

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Waldon Bros. Drugtore: Restore Oregon Seed Grant to be Used for Reuse Plan

Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore–an Oregon non-profit corporation working to save and restore the building– is working with Restore Oregon and other partners to plan for an economically viable future for this local historic landmark. Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore has recently been approved for grant funding from Restore Oregon to develop a reuse plan for the building. One option to repurpose it is as a shared event-space with the neighboring Festival Park.
The Waldron building has been a part of The Dalles community almost from the town’s inception and is listed as a contributing resource to The Dalles Commercial Historic District in the National Register of Historic Places. The City of The Dalles Historic Landmarks Commission has listed the preservation of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore as one of its long term goals.
The building’s namesake, Henry Waldron, came to The Dalles in 1854 as the town’s first teacher. He was appointed postmaster in 1862, and moved the Post Office into the Drugstore in 1867. His drugstore sold various necessities and also housed the town newspaper, professional offices, and the Masonic Lodge hall. Henry Waldron died after over‐exerting himself while helping others save their buildings and property during a downtown fire in 1878.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company subsequently used the building as a ticket office, and in 1923, Jack Gitchell renovated the building into apartments and offices. Percy L. Manser, a local artist renowned for his public murals and paintings of the gorge, also had his sign business and studio in the building.
Easily visible from both the town and Interstate 84, the Waldron Brothers Drugstore is the building that locals and visitors see and remember as a beacon for historic The Dalles. A likeness of the façade graces street banners and inspired the design of the Union Street underpass. As seen from recent drone footage by local resident, Cliff Danger, it is the historic face of the town, an irreplaceable tie connecting the past to the present and the last remaining anchor of historic downtown The Dalles to the busy waterfront of the Columbia River.  
Various owners of the building have renovated and reused it many times in the recent past. In 1978, when the Union Pacific railroad tracks were shifted to the northern side of 1st Street, the City of The Dalles purchased the building with the explicit purpose of preserving it. In 1982, the Jaycees leased the building from the City to restore it, but efforts stalled. In 2009, the city, recognizing the intrinsic value of the building, commissioned an engineering study and completed recommended stabilization repairs including the installation of a new roof and gutter system to seismic standards, the rebuilding of the parapet walls, and the stabilization of a crack in the NW corner of the building caused by the old leaking roof and gutter.
Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore has been working with established community non‐profits, interested officials, and local residents to enter into an agreement with the City for the restoration and reuse of the building. At this time, The Dalles Main Street–a non‐profit dedicated to the economic revitalization and historic preservation of the downtown–is interested in absorbing the current involved group of preservationists into a committee dedicated to the goal of restoring and reusing the Waldron Drugstore as office space and as a source of rental income. This project would preserve and reuse a valuable community historic resource, while strengthening and providing space, predictable income, and independence for the Main Street Program. However, this option is far from being realized and Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore need support from the community and from around the state of Oregon.
Friends of the Waldron Bros. Drugstore need your support! To donate, visit:
For further information on how to support this effort, contact Eric Gleason, President of Friends of the Waldron Brothers Drugstore, at or Katelyn Weber, Preservation Programs Manager, at

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Saving Oregon’s Most Endangered Places: The Robert and Charles Wilson Homes Wed, 08 May 2019 22:43:45 +0000

The Robert and Charles Wilson Homes, constructed along the banks of the Deschutes River, are significant for two reasons: their mid-century architectural pedigree, and the little-known role played by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO) in Central Oregon’s lumber industry. Designed in the 1940s by world-renowned architect, Pietro Belluschi, the Wilson […]

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The Robert and Charles Wilson Homes, constructed along the banks of the Deschutes River, are significant for two reasons: their mid-century architectural pedigree, and the little-known role played by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO) in Central Oregon’s lumber industry.

Designed in the 1940s by world-renowned architect, Pietro Belluschi, the Wilson homes are his only example of multiple dwellings on a single site. Built as vacation homes for prominent figures in the Warm Springs lumber industry, they are outstanding examples of high-style, mid-century modern architecture. For the Tribes, however, they reflect a cultural struggle over ownership of the land and the timber industry jobs essential to their economic well being.
The Wilson houses once embodied post-WWII American culture due to their inception as vacation homes for an affluent family that found success in the lumber industry. When constructed, the property was the epitome of the “American Dream,” built at the expense of the Tribes’ economy. The CTWSRO’s reclamation of the Wilson property has redefined the resources’ significance, allowing for the potential to convey the story of the CTWSRO’s understated presence in the lumber business and eventual development of Warm Springs Forest Products Industries (WSFPI).
As such, rehabilitation of the Wilson homes and the implementation of a preservation program will foster CTWSRO’s potential to convey tribal history and strengthen future awareness of the tribal nation. In addition, the Tribes’ reclamation of this property provides opportunity to redefine the narrative of WSFPI with emphasis placed on the efforts made by the CTWSRO to regain control of their economy by adapting resources that others developed on their Reservation, even after the closure of the mill.

Duke Properties Corporation, who owned the Wilson homes for 30 years, vacated the property in 1995 after the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs purchased the property. Both houses are in poor condition, but the larger Robert Wilson house has badly deteriorated, sitting without a tenant for 23 years. Interiors of the properties remain unchanged since the homes were first built and include original appliances and millwork.
Though understandably focused on more pressing Tribal issues, numerous preservation efforts have been made since the Tribes’ purchased the property. These efforts have included site tours to raise public awareness, site surveys, condition assessments, and maintenance attempts by Tribal staff and tenants. At the rate of deterioration, however, the threat of total loss of both homes is imminent without outside support and investment. The Tribes are exploring the potential for the properties to serve as a recreation destination to provide much-needed income.
The proposed project is a two-part preservation strategy that involves the immediate stabilization of the Robert and Charles Wilson houses and development of a long-term adaptive reuse plan for the property. The stabilization of the homes will support the implementation of a revenue-generating preservation plan for the property that will fund maintenance of the structures and other economic projects on the Reservation in the future.
Project success will be measured in the opportunity created for tribal members to foster awareness of CTWSRO history in the area. The Tribes’ efforts to rehabilitate the Wilson property have begun to garner publicity and will hopefully build a support network of interested parties. The Tribes also expect the Wilson property rehabilitation project and preservation plan to serve as an essential economic driver that will help offset the loss of 146 jobs from the 2018 closure of the Kah-Nee-Ta Resort. The proposed project would help to build a gateway entrance to the Reservation, greatly improving the marketability of the area. Success of the project will be measured in the rental income generated by the Wilson property, and its potential to finance future maintenance of the structures and other economic projects on the Reservation.
Restore Oregon, in conjunction with PMA Architects and a multitude of local stakeholders, will work to assist the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to conduct emergency stabilization and carrying out an adaptive reuse plan for these extraordinary homes. Saving this endangered place will recognize the Tribes’ history and role in Oregon’s lumber industry, and promote future awareness of tribal culture while developing their tourism industry.
Join Restore Oregon today to help support this effort or contact Preservation Programs Manager, Katelyn Weber, at to find out how you can help.

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