2023 Preservation Month sticker ‘People Saving Places’

Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month!

Every year in May, local preservation groups, state historical societies, and business and civic organizations across the country celebrate Preservation Month through events that promote historic places and heritage tourism, and demonstrate the social and economic benefits of historic preservation. This year’s Preservation Month theme is “People Saving Places,” a national high-five to everyone doing […]

Renewal of Special Assessment for Historic Properties is A “No-Go” this Legislative Session

Renewal of Special Assessment for Historic Properties is A “No-Go” this Legislative Sessionby Peggy Moretti At the June 7th House Revenue Committee work session, the committee chair, Representative Nancy Nathanson, decided not to move HB 2447 forward. This decision ends the bill moving in this 2021 legislative session. Special Assessment – Oregon’s only state incentive […]

Historic Yamaguchi Hotel Deserves a Better Fate than Demolition and Erasure of its Cultural Heritage

Historic Yamaguchi Hotel Deserves a Better Fate than Demolition and Erasure of its Cultural Heritage by Peggy Moretti A primary contributing building in the Portland New Chinatown-Japantown Historic District, the historic Yamaguchi Hotel/former Blanchet House has seen better days, and now stands alone surrounded by surface parking lots.   A demolition application has been filed with the […]

The Power of Preservation in a Post-Covid-19 Recovery

Congress will soon start deliberating the next economic stimulus package to combat the impacts of the pandemic.  It’s important they remember the critical role that historic preservation can play in recovery efforts and job creation. Time and again, preservation has proven to bolster our civic, social, and economic systems. Our historic places aren’t just bricks […]